Sunday, February 12, 2006

The way it goes, nobody knows..

I'm never lonely. When I'm not busy with my work, I have my sister Pain, who's always with me, and there's my brother Internet, he's quite fun, and lately I'm hanging out alot with my acquaintance Seinfeld, he also never fails to make me smile..
Though I kinda got used to having sister Pain around, I think soon, I'll have to tell her that I also want to see other people, we kinda got too close. She's nice and all and we have long history together, but she got too keen on me, I think I'll have to suggest to her that we take a break, a week or something..

Skiing. It was great today. Specially the last jump. I thought there was one springboard, but surrprisingly, after I jumped one, there appeared 3 more, not seen from top of the hill and impossible to avoid. From 3rd (quite impressivly big) I jumped exatly on top of 4th one, the not steep part of it, and then few seconds later, I started to look, where my skies could be.. Except from skined face and most likely fractured wrist (I'll have to ask a doctor tomorrow morning about that one, it hurts like hell), I'm very fine. :) Finding a puddle of oil under my car later, and dead light-bulb in headlights only lifted my spirits even higher! :) Oh, and my butt also got acquainted with my sister Pain, I hope it's the beginig of a very short friendship :)

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