Thursday, January 24, 2008

Greatest band ever

Lately I've been listening to Beatles again - in the car, while working, watching their concerts, I even watched Yellow submarine the movie. It is unbelievable how popular they still are. On YouTube their videos have millions of views and almost every minute on at least one of their videos one comment is made saying "I love this song" or "I love Beatles" or "amazing" etc. And that's only on YouTube. And this is mostly younger generation. On - site, which tracks what people listen, The Beatles are on 2nd place for LAST WEEK. Last week - a band from 60's.. and I think most of the weeks are like that. Overall they have a huge lead of played songs and are far most listened band on the world, still...
Every second, many people in the world are made happy by a Beatles song. What an achievement it is!

I wanted to put my favorite Beatles song here, but I can't decide, there are at least 15 favorites!

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