Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Back to USSR

I'm going, again. To Russia, again. People must already think I'm crazy.. Well, I do too.
This cold country, which I despise and respect at the same time.. It's the land with a character. A very strong one, like people who live there. The feeling of going again is not like relaxing or something in this direction, quite exciting though. But still I'm drawn there.. By some force which I just can't understand.
I hope Slovenian fast mail won't fail tomorrow and I'll get my visa.

I've changed so much these days. I put another sense to my life.
Now I just have to wait if I'll still feel the same when I get back..

Current music: Nights in Wite Satin (I've been humbling it for last few hours:)

Oh, they have snow there already! Alot: "do huja"

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