Friday, October 07, 2005

Life goes on

Vacation is already far behind, seems even farther than it really is. Last trcaes of summer are completely gone. Actually even autumn is comming to the end soon. Weather is usually bad and wet, like this whole year.

And I, I'm very (very) busy. I've been working all days long these days. Almost every day pass midnight, and then to work next morning. It's not too tough, I'm not complaining really.

PHP coding has become rutine for me. I'm much faster now than I used to be. And I already know most of the trics, or at least I know how to learn something quickly, and where to find the information. I feel kinda of remorse that I have just specialized for PHP, MySQL, etc... There's plenty of work in this area of programming, but it's not paid as good as some others maybe. C++ experts get more, I believe. And I have already forgot most of my Java and C++ skills.

Today I've also got one project to finish, some portal full of information collected from other sites by RSS, XML.. I'll publish the link when it's online.
Then tomorrow, I've got an upgrade for internet video rental, which I made. Then also tomorrow I have to finish . Very complex page, we're already working on it for half a year..

Then maybe, if it's not raining, tomorrow I'm going to my friend's "grape-picking". In Slovenia this is a big thing. Usually there's lots of people, lots of food, and of course alot of wine. Some relaxation wouldn't hurt me. And there's of course a party after it - squizing every drop out of grapes and baking chestnuts on the fire, talking, smoking, drinking, laoughing..

I'm also already looking forward to my next vacation in November. We haven't decided where to go yet, maybe Italy. Well choosing is also exciting :)

And then for New Years to Piter! I hope. I haven't been there since.. hmm.. long time.

To work now..

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